PSHE - Learning for life
Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PSHE) is the heart of Cottingley Village Primary School and at the core of all that we do. At Cottingley Village Primary School we aim to provide pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It is our intention that children develop into well-rounded members of society who can make a positive contribution to their community.
We believe that through high quality first teaching and a consistent delivery of an age-appropriate PSHE curriculum, we will prepare children physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and intellectually. At Cottingley Village Primary School we feel strongly about helping pupils to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work by achieving their academic potential in school.
Our PSHE curriculum is designed so that children know more, remember more and understand more. We believe that it is essential to these foundations from EYFS and equip our children with the ability to adapt in an ever-changing world.
Teaching at Cottingley Village Primary School will promote equality and will challenge all forms of prejudice and discrimination. Teaching is inclusive and meets the needs of all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs. It is important that all our pupils and their families feel included. Therefore, our Curriculum recognises all differences and an opportunity for children to reflect on the values, beliefs and influences of others.
Under the new guidance issued by the DFE in September 2020, Relationships education in Primary Schools will be compulsory. Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE)focuses on giving children the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. At Cottingley Village Primary School RHSE in taught within our Personal, Social and Economic Curriculum as well as other subjects such as Science.
At Cottingley Village Primary School we have developed our own scheme of work for PSHE which incorporates the Question-based Model from the PSHE Association Programme of Study. Our teachers deliver this carefully planned curriculum according to pupils' development, readiness and needs, taking into account prior learning, experience and understanding. Our scheme of work distinguished three core themes which are be revisited, reinforced and extended year on year:
Core Theme 1: Health & Wellbeing
Core Theme 2: Relationships
Core Theme 3: Living in the Wider World
There will be an extensive overlap between themes as well as other Curriculums. For example, the content of online safety is explicitly taught within our E-Safety Curriculum.
Our long term overview sets out each key learning question for each year group each half term, all with clear links to the three core themes. Our curriculum enables a progression of knowledge and skills from EYFS to Year 6, these are taught through using a range of quality assured materials and resources.
At Cottingley Village Primary School PSHE is referred to by the children as ‘Learning For Life’. PSHE is taught every Friday afternoon by the class teacher in line with government guidance which states ‘Schools must have regular timetables lessons to deliver a planned age appropriate programme of PSHE’’.
Each class will agree a set of ground rules which will be revisited at the beginning of each lesson, these are essential in creating a safe teaching and learning environment. Teachers will ensure that children’s views are listened to and will encourage them to ask questions and engage in discussion. Teachers will answer questions sensitively, honestly and in a age appropriate manner, each class will have an ‘Ask-it Basket’ for children to ask anonymous questions or share concerns.
As PSHE is at the heart of our school, we ensure there are plenty of opportunities for children to develop key skills & knowledge through the wider aspects of school life. For example, School council, Celebration Assemblies, Residentials & School visits as well as nationally acknowledged events such as Anti-Bullying Week, Mental Health Week, World Book Day, Comic and Sports Relief.
At Cottingley Village Primary School our mission is that children feel happy, safe and secure and have succeeded in all that they do. Our PSHE Curriculum will have prepared our pupils for the next stage in life as they leave Year 6 and develop into independent young adults, ready for new opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences. We want the best for all our pupils and hope that as they grow, they demonstrate a ready willingness and ability to try new things, push themselves and persevere. Our passion is for nurturing individuality so that our children will become outstanding local and global citizens.
Children will be able:
- To view themselves positively and be aware of their skills, attributes and achievements
- To have respect for themselves and others
- To develop positive and healthy relationships with others
- To understand how to keep themselves healthy and safe, physically and mentally
- To discuss problems and be able to solve them
- To manage risk in all aspects of live
- To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of diversity and equality
- To understand their rights and responsibilities
- To have an age-appropriate understanding of RHSE
- To demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law and Liberty
- To have a positive attitude towards learning and life, to have goals, aspirations and know how to meet them
- To know what it means to be a member of a diverse and multicultural society
Relevant Documents
Our Relationships and Health Education Policy can be found on the policies page.