Our values
Our School Vision
At Cottingley Village Primary School we are proud to be a welcoming, successful, inclusive school. We strive to ensure that our school is a learning centre of excellence. Our principled approach ensures that every child is seen as an individual. Our mission is to prepare our young people to confidently be the best that they can be, by ensuring that they are equipped with, and can effectively utilise, the skills, attitudes and values for life-long learning in order to become fully contributing members of society.
This will be achieved by providing:
- A safe, secure and happy learning environment where everyone is valued, and inspired to achieve all that they can.
- A sense of place and belonging for everyone.
- High quality relationships and a nurturing response.
- A sense of fun and security.
- An inspirational team who create ‘magic’ by aspiring highly for every child.
- A rich curriculum full of exciting possibilities and endless imagination.
- A learning centred community with a growth mindset that makes the impossible, possible.
We aim to:
- Create happy memories that will last a lifetime.
- Cultivate curiosity, creativity and imagination that fuel exemplary learning habits.
- Listen, reflect, consider and then act.
- Advance independence, resilience and reflection in every child.
- Nurture social, emotional and mental wellbeing.
- Encourage responsibility and respect as a global citizen.
- Embrace the use of new technologies that stimulate ideas and extend boundaries of learning
- Promote ownership and involvement with experiences that extend beyond the classroom.
- Train a ‘growth mindset’ culture that challenges thinking and pushes the boundaries.
- Believe that anything is possible.
At Cottingley Village Primary School we strive for excellence and ‘Together we’ll succeed!’